Cognitive Engine

Register with Cognitive Engine

To use Cognitive Engine App, first register yourself by filling up few details. You will receive an email. Follow the steps to complete the registration process.

Search Courses

You can search available courses based on Categories, Organizations or Authors. You can also search with quick text search.

Manage Forgot password

If you forgot your password, go to Sign In page and click on Forgot Password link. You will receive OTP on your registered email and you can reset the password.

Manage your Profile

You can upload your profile picture which will be visible on top right corner. You can update your educational and personal information.

Request Role

By using this screen user can request additional role such as Educator, Editor, Approver etc.

Switch Role

If one user is performing multiple roles then one can switch between different roles. For e.g. Learner to Educator.

For Learner

Enrolling of course

During Enrollment you need to provide a token number. You can receive an email for token number on your registered email id.

Course, Decks & Cards

Each course comprise of Decks and each Deck will have Q & A in the form of flash cards.

Start a new Course

One can start a course from Enrolled course tab. To start a Deck click on Start button. One can resume the Deck if it is in incomplete stage. Once the Deck is completed it will show status as Completed. One can view completed Decks (Q-A) in the Card details report.

For Educator

Create & Edit course

As an Educator one can create a new course for the organization for which Educator is having rights. One can edit other courses if Editor role is assigned.

Create Decks & Cards

Once course is created, one can add Deck and add Cards within the Deck.

Publish Course

Once the course is published it will be available for the Learners. After publish, one can edit the course but cannot add Deck & Card.

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