How It Works

At the heart of the Cognitive-Engine lies the foundations of critical science, demanding knowledge and education to remain free from adulteration by rankings, ratings, marketing, advertising, or other such Imperial metrics.
All traditional platforms are designed upon these underling principles of Power (e.g. finance). It is a root cause of inflicting ongoing socio-ecological violence since its design principles are inward and selfish. These themes promote excessive consumption that relies upon the creation of un-thinking individuals having no empathy. This is well researched under Agnotology, i.e., “the science of producing ignorance” (Dossey, 2014; Proctor and Schiebinger, 2008). Common examples of promoting false or conflicting scientific data include: carbon emissions, cigarettes; fractional banking, refined sugar, fast foods, pharmaceuticals, policy, etc. All of these sectors have countered scientific knowledge, by promoting conflicting and even malicious content (Churchman, 1940; Boyed, 2019; Foucault, 1980; Chomsky, 1996), for selfish gains and objectives. As such, the Cognitive-Engine, positions itself as being critical, scientifically accurate and unbiased, as far as this is possible.
We offer curated content, allied to the freedom of thought, by promoting knowledge that is scientifically open and free. We facalitate communities-of-practice, by providing an independent platform that has been purposefully design for the emancipation of people though knowledge.
Our platform allow its user communities to enjoy advantages of: *Trust-based engagement, *Zero-advertising, *Scalability, *Consistency, *Reliability, *AI-embedded hacks for rapid learning, *Offering reference-rich scientific content curated critically and empathetically. These are vital aspects to liberate communities from traditional repressive power-based platforms and business practices. These are offered to all user communities wishing to offer their coursework and knowledge, by adopting platform advantages of device independence and geographically dispersed locations. The platform offers two basic user profiles, these being:
(1) Institutions like Universities, Corporations, NGO’s, etc., to adopt the many platform advantages, by offering their content via the platform;
(2) Individuals may similarly wish to offer their knowledge and Intellectual Property via the Cognitive-Engine, in turn benefiting from scale and the networked nature of dispersed learning models.

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